You ALWAYS Have the Answers Within

You always have the answers within. 

Your intuition guides you towards those answers. 

So much of our confusion in life stems from doubting our intuition and overvaluing the voices, opinions and judgements from our external environment.  

When you take the time to tap into your inner wisdom, and when you have the courage to follow what you find there, you will come to realise that you always have the answers you seek.  

And, as you tap further into this truth, you'll begin to be able to pinpoint all those times in your life where you had the answers but chose to ignore them and doubt them. 

Have faith in yourself. 

Begin the journey of building trust within yourself. 

Your internal wisdom will always guide you in the direction of what is truly most meaningful and authentic to you. 

This meaning and authentic alignment is your pathway to your fulfilment. Nothing else can substitute the level of fulfilment, freedom and empowerment that...

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Align with Purpose & Release Your Need for External Approval

Is your sense of self-worth directly linked to the emotional fluctuations of those around you? 

Does your sense of value rise and fall in conjunction with others response to you? 

One of the most dominant limiting patterns I held for many years subconsciously was my dependence on others to determine my value which I gauged directly by their emotional fluctuations that I perceived were in response to me.

I personally believed I had to prove my value in order to be taken care of and not thrown out on the streets - a story I made up before I could be expected to have very much emotional intelligence and remained unchallenged until I was well and truly an adult.

This belief made me hyper aware of the emotional states and fluctuations of those around me.

I looked to their responses to me to determine whether I was a good or a bad person; a valuable person or a burdensome person.

Once the pain of this pattern drew enough need to come into my awareness, I began a series of...

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No-one is Worth Sacrificing Yourself For...

Having compassion, love and understanding for another does not look like you allowing them to treat you like sh*&.

Having compassion, love and understanding for another looks like you showing them your boundaries.

If you are consistently being treated poorly by a person or people in your life, instead of being victimised, take the power back by working out how you’ve contributed to their belief in how they can treat you.

We train others how to treat us.

Yes, as humans we are going to slip up and make mistakes.

Yes, as humans we are going to say and do the wrong things at times.

Yes, as humans we are going to get caught up in our survival fears and behave accordingly at times.

But, and it’s a BIG but, there is NO excuse for taking your fears out on those around you.


Seek support, seek guidance, but don’t forget to complete the most empowering act:




Taking responsibility is the most...

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You Are a Team of Your Past, Present & Future Selves

You are a team of three selves.

Your past self.

Your present self.

Your future self.

This team can work harmoniously in your most empowered direction, or disharmoniously sabotaging your progress and fulfilment.

Each self relates to the others whether you are consciously aware of this or not.

What thoughts and emotions do you generate when you think about your past self’s actions or inactions?

Do you look back in regret? In shame? With judgement and condemnation?

Don’t be disappointed with a past self that now resides in a wiser present that could not be without those judged past actions.

Decide to connect deeply with the immense challenge that past self endured to make way for a more empowered you who is much more likely to design the quality of life you would most wish to experience.

Your past self has given your present self the opportunity to make your future self thankful.

Don’t waste your present discouraging yourself from accessing your potential because...

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