
The Limitless Potential Academy utilises a holistic approach to personal development that integrates both the Masculine & Feminine Pathways towards actualising your potential.


Vanessa Jane Patrick, AKA ‘The-Human-Guinea-Pig-of-all-things-Personal-Development’, is a Personality Profiler, International Speaker, Team Trainer & Developmental Empowerment Coach who is dedicated to sharing her real-time self-actualising journey to inspire others to actualise their own potentials shoulder-to-shoulder, empowering them with real-life actionable tools to discover, develop and deliver their unique potential in all areas of their lives - accessing ever expanding levels of their Limitless Potential and ultimate fulfilment!


Founder of The Limitless Potential Academy 

Founder of The Limitless Potential Community

Speaker, Trainer and Coach at Vanessa Jane Patrick - Live, Love, Give

Podcast Host at Limitless Potential

Studied Bachelor of Laws/Business at LaTrobe University

Studied Certified Master NLP Practitioner at The Coaching Room Training Academy

Studied Certified Neuro-Semantics Practitioner at International Society of Neuro-Semantics

Studied Matrix Therapies Coaching at Evolve Now

Studied Certified Personality Profiler at Personality Hacker

Studied at Anthony Robbins Mastery University


As a Speaker, Trainer and Coach, I travel the world educating myself on human behaviour and how to maximise human potential and fulfilment. I believe that everyone has a unique Genius that is authentic and enlivening to them, and that if we could all discover what that is, and align fully with it, we would access our greatness and be of maximum value to this world. I am on a mission to empower people by waking them up to their Genius, and helping them unleash their greatness because nothing inspires me more than witnessing the beauty of humanity that takes place as a result of discovering, aligning with, and sharing our own unique gifts.


My biggest wake up call came when I was at a Tony Robbins 5 day event called ‘Date with Destiny’. This event really was as the name suggests, it was my date with my destiny. In a profound moment on day 4 of this event, something happened that I will never forget. I had a revelation. It was the most insightful moment of my entire life.

Now, let me set the scene. At this point in my life, I had finished a business degree and had a year and a half left in my Law degree before I was to become a Lawyer. I was always the type of person who was never quite sure what it was that I wanted to do (I even let my brother pick the degree I did!) and so I chose to do Law, thinking it was going to give me the best options for my future.

But with every passing day, I was getting closer and closer to having to get out there and become a Lawyer. There was a little nagging voice that made me feel sick, always trying to tell me ‘What are you doing? You’re not a lawyer! You’re a people person! This is NOT the path for you!’

I kept ignoring this inner voice but it was getting louder and starting to impact how I was showing up. It was making me withdraw from people and not want to interact with anyone at my University or even really my family and friends. I felt that someone was going to see how much I was lying to myself and I was so sick and worn out from trying to pretend to myself that I was on the right path. It even got to the point where my body shut down one day and I couldn’t get off the floor, curled into the foetal position, I had never felt so sick in my entire life.

So, back to this event. The inner voice had been getting louder and louder and I was finally in an environment where I was forced to ask myself questions that I’d never dared ask myself before, like ‘What do I really value?’, ‘What do I really want to do with my life?’, ‘What is my true calling and purpose?’… The nagging was getting more intense, telling me ‘WAKE UP! You’re not meant to become a Lawyer!’

My internal response was ’I know you’re right, but it’s too late now, I have to finish what I started! I’m too old to make a change now!’

Then, just as I was having this internal dialogue, a woman in the audience of 1000 people, stood up and was handed the microphone. She said: “Wow, I am so filled with gratitude! I feel so incredibly lucky to have made the discovery I have just made!” Tony Robbins asked her to elaborate, she said “Well, I’m 65 years old, and I’ve been an incredibly successful lawyer since my 20’s, but I’ve been through 4 divorces and my children don’t speak with me. But I have just finally realised that I became a lawyer because I felt that was how I would get my father’s love, and I have now given myself permission to uncover what I truly want to do with my life and for the first time in my life, I feel free. I feel empowered. And I am SO YOUNG to have made this discovery, I’ve got so many years ahead of me left to life a life that is true to myself!”

At this moment, hearing and experiencing this woman’s revelation, I had my own. I thought to myself, how can this woman aged 65 think of herself as being ‘so young’ and ready to make the change, when I’m sitting here aged 24 feeling ‘too old’ to make the change? In that moment everything shifted for me.

I finally gave myself permission to stop living a life I felt was expected of me, and start living a life that was true to who I was. I started my journey towards true self-awareness and self-love. A journey that I’m sure will never end.

I seriously could not be more grateful for the life I lead now. It’s definitely not an easy path. It’s definitely not a comfortable, certain path. I did get a pretty intense reaction from my family (my Mum even deleted me from Facebook for a few months - which we laugh about now! lol), but for the first time in my life, I had an unshakable trust, belief and knowing that I was doing the right thing. I had a feeling of certainty that I had never had before telling me that I was on the right path.

This certainty allowed me to face my deepest fears, shift my perception, and ultimately make the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.

To shift directions from a path that was leading my towards becoming another statistic and experiencing the #1 regret of the dying:

“I wish I had of live a life that was true to myself, rather than one I felt was expected of me.”

To a life filled with true freedom and fulfilment, growth and contribution. A life where I tread my own path, trust and believe in myself and feel as though my life has real meaning, purpose and direction.

There is no greater feeling than the sense of freedom you get from living a life that is true to who you are.

When you are no longer affected by the judgements and criticisms of others, when you no longer rely on their validation, you are free to live a purpose filled life. A life of real meaning. The life you were born to live.

Ask yourself today:
“If I could have it all my way, without having to filter life through the expectations or judgements of others, what would I do? Who would I be?”

You have the answers within you. Choose to have the courage to listen. Get radically honest with yourself. Give yourself permission to uncover who you really are, and be all of who you really are.

This is the reason why I do what I do. It is why I am on a mission to help those who want more out of life, uncover who they REALLY are, what they REALLY want, & have the courage to go after it! 

To Live. Love. Give.

To uncover and align with their truth, not the expectations of those around them. To discover their unique gifts, and to give them to the world!

If this has spoken to you, then I would love nothing more than to give you the gift of giving you language to the best parts of who you are. Lets connect and get you believing fully in yourself and realising your true potential!

I look forward to the opportunity to do what I love most, and help you to Discover Your Genius, & Unleash Your Greatness! 

Please reach out and connect at: [email protected]

With Love & Gratitude,




50% Complete

Two Step

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