You Are a Team of Your Past, Present & Future Selves

You are a team of three selves.

Your past self.

Your present self.

Your future self.

This team can work harmoniously in your most empowered direction, or disharmoniously sabotaging your progress and fulfilment.

Each self relates to the others whether you are consciously aware of this or not.

What thoughts and emotions do you generate when you think about your past self’s actions or inactions?

Do you look back in regret? In shame? With judgement and condemnation?

Don’t be disappointed with a past self that now resides in a wiser present that could not be without those judged past actions.

Decide to connect deeply with the immense challenge that past self endured to make way for a more empowered you who is much more likely to design the quality of life you would most wish to experience.

Your past self has given your present self the opportunity to make your future self thankful.

Don’t waste your present discouraging yourself from accessing your potential because of past mistakes.

Consciously encourage your most inspired future by focusing on the wisdom gleaned and positive expectancy of your ideal future becoming a reality.

Get those selves integrated harmoniously to fully empower your movement within and towards the experience of life you would choose for yourself from a place of love and gratitude.

What would your future self be most thankful for?

What wisdom through experience can your past self offer that could lead you towards what you envision?

What inspired actions will your present self now take to make that vision a reality?

And if you’re having difficulty trusting your team of selves, you can reconnect and realign with them through these powerful questions that I recommend you make a daily journaling practice:

What is one thing that you forgive your past self for?

What is one thing that you are proud of your present self for?

What is one thing that you are excited to experience as your future self?


Be proud.

Get excited.

You and that team of your have got this.

Sending you ALL of my LOVE & ALIGNMENT today beautiful soul! 😊💛🙏✨



🔥[QUESTION] - Would you be interested in a holistic approach to your personal development that integrated both the Masculine & Feminine pathways towards actualising your potential?

If so, book in your free Breakthrough Chat with Vanessa here:

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