The ART of Meeting Your Needs Healthily within Your INTIMATE Partnership

An inspired message I sent to my partner yesterday:

“I want to use our relationship as a portal to deepening with the Divine through each other - to experience oneness with the divine through the sacredness of our union.”


Do you meet your needs within your relationship primarily? Or as an individual?

…One runs the risk of codependence and the other may jeopardise the trust and depth of love available to both of you.

Both are necessary, but the art is in finding ways to meet your needs individually and collectively without these two being at odds with one another (…or the two individuals involved being at odds with one another!). 

What makes this an art is that you creatively find mutually aligned strategies for meeting your own, and each others needs, without sacrifice of love or freedom in intimate partnership.

Instead, we substitute  the old paradigm of PERSONAL SACRIFICE, for FULFILLING INTEGRATION, by holding a HIGHER VISION for...

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Love is the Experience of Beauty

You are being called towards your alignment with your highest self in both love and purpose.

You are an extension of the Divine.

You are being called to step up to the highest potential of love through the experience of beauty within and all around you.

You are here to stand fully in the magnificence of Universal beauty, and through your surrender to Divine guidance, you become a Lighthouse of Love that reminds others to their own true nature and interconnectedness. 

…To  inspire yourself and others to boldly and courageously transcend ego and realise our collective role in the Universe as its heart chakra from which to allow and be in the flow of love generated by the experience of beauty in absolute awe. 

Your purpose is to revel in the beauty.

…To surrender to the Divine within and all around you.

…To awaken to awe.

…To be present to love as the experience of beauty in its purity.

…To stay true to intuition - your inner guide.


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