The ART of Meeting Your Needs Healthily within Your INTIMATE Partnership

An inspired message I sent to my partner yesterday:

“I want to use our relationship as a portal to deepening with the Divine through each other - to experience oneness with the divine through the sacredness of our union.”


Do you meet your needs within your relationship primarily? Or as an individual?

…One runs the risk of codependence and the other may jeopardise the trust and depth of love available to both of you.

Both are necessary, but the art is in finding ways to meet your needs individually and collectively without these two being at odds with one another (…or the two individuals involved being at odds with one another!). 

What makes this an art is that you creatively find mutually aligned strategies for meeting your own, and each others needs, without sacrifice of love or freedom in intimate partnership.

Instead, we substitute  the old paradigm of PERSONAL SACRIFICE, for FULFILLING INTEGRATION, by holding a HIGHER VISION for INTIMATE PARTNERSHIP that enlivens both of your Souls.  

We unnaturally turn against one another because over-individualisation coupled with a scarcity mindset turns us into warring enemies rather than team mates. However, when you realise that you’re not in competition for scarce resources (love, etc.), and instead stand to experience greater abundance within union, your intimate partnership can and will flourish. 

Getting to this place, however, requires vulnerability in order to establish trust, and the willingness to meet each other’s needs within the container of your sacred union. And this vulnerability is accessed through communication of those needs openly without attack or withholding. 


Here’s what the process looks like in my own life…

❀️πŸ”₯The ART of meeting your needs healthily within your INTIMATE partnership without falling into CO-DEPENDENCY:

1. INTENTION: Clarity of the highest standard for loving partnership you’re committed to taking responsibility for.

2. EMOTION: Connection to inner world of feelings as feedback. 

3. DISCERNMENT: Self awareness to discern between your deeper wounding that requires healing on your part and boundaries that are in need of expression.

4. COMMUNICATION: Courage to vulnerably and openly express your true emotions, wounding, boundaries and needs, offering clear solution. 

5. ALIGNMENT: Offering freedom and time for your partner to discern what feels true and aligned for them and to clarify what they are willing to do with the truths you’ve shared. 

6. ACTION: Choice and decision made that utilises this challenge as an initiation towards the deepening love, trust and honour of the sacredness of your union as a place that is fuelled by limitless potential, love and equality of leadership. 


I hope you will give this simple process a chance to help deepen the sacred union between you and your chosen one. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

And remember, there’s nothing sexier than an unbreakable trust within your sacred intimate partnership. With this as your foundation, nothing can ever be wrong. All of you and them is expressed. This is Limitless Love. This is Sacred Union. This is the portal to the Divine. 

Use your relationship as a portal to deepening with the Divine through each other  - to experience oneness with the divine through the sacredness of your union.

Sending you ALL of my LOVE & DIVINITY today, you phenomenally beautiful Soul! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’›πŸ™πŸ”₯



If you’re ready to heed the call towards your alignment with your highest self in both love and purpose, then I invite you to apply to join The Golden Circle at The Limitless Potential Academy.

Simply send an email with the title “Golden Circle Application” to: [email protected] to secure a call with me to ensure this opportunity aligns with your journey towards your Limitless Potential.

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