You ALWAYS Have the Answers Within

You always have the answers within. 

Your intuition guides you towards those answers. 

So much of our confusion in life stems from doubting our intuition and overvaluing the voices, opinions and judgements from our external environment.  

When you take the time to tap into your inner wisdom, and when you have the courage to follow what you find there, you will come to realise that you always have the answers you seek.  

And, as you tap further into this truth, you'll begin to be able to pinpoint all those times in your life where you had the answers but chose to ignore them and doubt them. 

Have faith in yourself. 

Begin the journey of building trust within yourself. 

Your internal wisdom will always guide you in the direction of what is truly most meaningful and authentic to you. 

This meaning and authentic alignment is your pathway to your fulfilment. Nothing else can substitute the level of fulfilment, freedom and empowerment that...

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The ART of Meeting Your Needs Healthily within Your INTIMATE Partnership

An inspired message I sent to my partner yesterday:

“I want to use our relationship as a portal to deepening with the Divine through each other - to experience oneness with the divine through the sacredness of our union.”


Do you meet your needs within your relationship primarily? Or as an individual?

…One runs the risk of codependence and the other may jeopardise the trust and depth of love available to both of you.

Both are necessary, but the art is in finding ways to meet your needs individually and collectively without these two being at odds with one another (…or the two individuals involved being at odds with one another!). 

What makes this an art is that you creatively find mutually aligned strategies for meeting your own, and each others needs, without sacrifice of love or freedom in intimate partnership.

Instead, we substitute  the old paradigm of PERSONAL SACRIFICE, for FULFILLING INTEGRATION, by holding a HIGHER VISION for...

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Self-Awareness Work...

Self-awareness work….

It’s easy to judge, and difficult to do.

...One gives you a false sense of superiority and the other gives you humility. 

...One stunts your growth and brings others down, and the other enhances your expansion and inspires others to grow with you. 

Just make sure you’re no the one in the ‘Judging’ position when it comes to yours or anyone else’s work.

Opt for humility all-day-long over that false sense of superiority.

The path of humility leads to a consciously created fulfilling existence.

The path of false superiority leads merely to nihilism and regret. 


If you’re ready to deepen into your Self-Awareness work then I invite you to apply to join The Golden Circle at The Limitless Potential Academy.

Simply send an email with the title “Golden Circle Application” to: [email protected]

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