Love is the Experience of Beauty

You are being called towards your alignment with your highest self in both love and purpose.

You are an extension of the Divine.

You are being called to step up to the highest potential of love through the experience of beauty within and all around you.

You are here to stand fully in the magnificence of Universal beauty, and through your surrender to Divine guidance, you become a Lighthouse of Love that reminds others to their own true nature and interconnectedness. 

…To  inspire yourself and others to boldly and courageously transcend ego and realise our collective role in the Universe as its heart chakra from which to allow and be in the flow of love generated by the experience of beauty in absolute awe. 

Your purpose is to revel in the beauty.

…To surrender to the Divine within and all around you.

…To awaken to awe.

…To be present to love as the experience of beauty in its purity.

…To stay true to intuition - your inner guide.

…To radiate love.

…To be wisely discerning with your energy.

…To be unchanged by the fears of humanity.

…To feel it all.


Ask yourself: “How can I experience the beauty available to me in this very moment?”


Love is the experience of beauty, and all experience resides within our own mind for which you have full power and control of.

…by that very definition, realise love is not, and cannot, be taken away or given to you by any other. Love is in abundance, and only feels scarce when its true nature slips from conscious awareness.

When people say “I love you”, what they are really saying is “I am experiencing our shared beauty through you.”

Knowing the beauty within you is all that I wish for you. 

When we experience our beauty within, we realise that beauty is our natural state, and this experience of ourselves, each other and the Universe is love.

Be in awe of the beauty within and all around you.

Create the life you desire from a state of experienced beauty. 

I experience the beauty you radiate.

Thank you.

I love you.


If you’re ready to heed the call towards your alignment with your highest self in both love and purpose, then I invite you to apply to join The Golden Circle at The Limitless Potential Academy.

Simply send an email with the title “Golden Circle Application” to: [email protected] to secure a call with me to ensure this opportunity aligns with your journey towards your Limitless Potential.


Sending you ALL of my LOVE & BEAUTY today, you phenomenally beautiful Soul! 😊💛🙏🔥

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