Align with Purpose & Release Your Need for External Approval

Is your sense of self-worth directly linked to the emotional fluctuations of those around you? 

Does your sense of value rise and fall in conjunction with others response to you? 

One of the most dominant limiting patterns I held for many years subconsciously was my dependence on others to determine my value which I gauged directly by their emotional fluctuations that I perceived were in response to me.

I personally believed I had to prove my value in order to be taken care of and not thrown out on the streets - a story I made up before I could be expected to have very much emotional intelligence and remained unchallenged until I was well and truly an adult.

This belief made me hyper aware of the emotional states and fluctuations of those around me.

I looked to their responses to me to determine whether I was a good or a bad person; a valuable person or a burdensome person.

Once the pain of this pattern drew enough need to come into my awareness, I began a series of experiments in attempt to breakthrough it. What I learned is this…

Your purpose is to come into alignment by unbecoming your strategies for attaining external validation.

…To come into alignment rather than try to effect outcomes. 

…To focus on alignment, rather than mere behaviour change. 

Alignment with your true core self is the key to being rid of needing anyone externally to prove to you your worth, because at your core, you hold an unshakeable KNOWING of your inherent and undying value.


If you’d like to begin or deepen your journey of unbecoming all that is not you; all that has been developed as a strategy to ‘survive’ that has cost you your sense of self, then I invite you to apply to join The Golden Circle at The Limitless Potential Academy.

Simply send an email with the title “Golden Circle Application” to: [email protected]

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