No-one is Worth Sacrificing Yourself For...

Having compassion, love and understanding for another does not look like you allowing them to treat you like sh*&.

Having compassion, love and understanding for another looks like you showing them your boundaries.

If you are consistently being treated poorly by a person or people in your life, instead of being victimised, take the power back by working out how you’ve contributed to their belief in how they can treat you.

We train others how to treat us.

Yes, as humans we are going to slip up and make mistakes.

Yes, as humans we are going to say and do the wrong things at times.

Yes, as humans we are going to get caught up in our survival fears and behave accordingly at times.

But, and it’s a BIG but, there is NO excuse for taking your fears out on those around you.


Seek support, seek guidance, but don’t forget to complete the most empowering act:




Taking responsibility is the most powerful way to bring order, certainty and strength to your chaos, uncertainty and victimhood.

And if you have become someones punching bag for the challenges in THEIR life, you too must take your own version of responsibility.

Realise that you are NOT helping them by constantly making excuses for their poor behaviour.

Trust their intent is not to hurt you, they are fighting their own demons, fears and insecurities, but ALWAYS QUESTION POOR BEHAVIOUR and treatment. 

They are looking for certainty; they are looking for a safe boundary to lean on, just like a naughty kid who pushes to see how far they can go.

They are looking to feel safe in their unsafe, uncertain challenges.

Don’t add to their already full cup of fear by giving them excuses for their victimhood, this only serves to reinforce to them that they can’t make it out; that they need all of the external help that they can get AND that treating you like this pays off.

Know what your vision for relationship is and communicate it.

Know what your vision for your life is and ask yourself the question: “Is this relationship on the way, or in the way of where I want to go?”

I don’t care who they are; no matter how ‘close’ they are, no-one is worth sacrificing your truth, self-respect or life vision for.

Sending you so much LOVE & TRUTH today my friend!! 😊❤️🙏


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