Your 4 Powers to Take 100% Responsibility for!

Do you prove yourself to others? Or to Self?

When it comes down to your chosen direction for your life, what bears more weight - others perception of you? Their judgements, criticisms, or emotional reactions to your choices? Or your inner alignment guided by inspiration and authentic creation?

You see, the truth is, your responsibility lays solely with you.

If others blame you for their thinking, feeling, speaking or acting, you’re not dealing with a wise adult, you’re dealing with an under-responsible child trapped in the illusion of an adults body.

Do not mistake who you are dealing with, and certainly do not sacrifice your own growth towards adulthood in the face of their extended childhood, or you’ll only be prolonging your own.

Most ‘adult’ relationships aren’t between adults at all. They are between the irresponsible children within whose childhoods have extended well beyond the legal age of drinking.

What differentiates a child from an adult is responsibility.

But as these children become physically adults, they often get their responsibility muddled up and misdirected.

They unknowingly become overly responsible for others, and simultaneously under responsible for themselves.

What does this look like?


Well, simply put, every single one of us as individuals has 4 Powers:

  1. What we THINK
  2. What we FEEL
  3. What we SAY
  4. What we DO


These 4 Powers are OUR sole responsibility. 

No one else can take these powers from us. 

And, we cannot take these powers from any other.


“You MADE me THINK I wasn’t good enough!”

“It’s YOUR fault I FEEL so angry!”

“You DESERVED what I called you!”

“See! Look what YOU MADE me DO!”


…ring any bells?


All statements we make as physical adults who still haven’t mastered the simplicity of what is our responsibility, and what is that of others.

Our relationships have become win/lose power struggles attempting to mould another’s perception of us to be ‘loved enough’ so that that other person will be motivated to ‘meet our needs’ - the needs we have not taken ownership and responsibility for.

The other person is in the same boat - attempting to control your thinking, feeling, speaking and doing in a desperate attempt to have you worry enough about their own well-being that you’ll sacrifice your own responsibility of self to fulfil the voids within them that truly, only they can ever be successful at fulfilling themselves.

…Two scared, needy children dramatically grasping for control over the other, not realising their freedom and wellbeing lays within.


YOU are YOUR one.

You always have been.

You always will be.


And, until you take 100% ownership and responsibility for your 4 Powers, you’ll be trapped as a fearful child needily sacrificing your authentic, inspired Self with another fearful child, with neither one of you ever becoming fulfilled. 

How many painful experiences do you need to co-create before you get the lesson and stop giving your power away?

The most empowering realisation you will make in your lifetime is understanding where you end and another begins.

Own your 4 powers, and honour the 4 powers of all other human beings.


And just incase you need to read it again…

You are NOT responsible for anyone else’s THOUGHTS.

You are NOT responsible for anyone else’s EMOTIONS.

You are NOT responsible for anyone else’s SPEECH.

You are NOT responsible for anyone else’s ACTIONS.






Make today the day you make that meat suit match your inner growth.

Sending you ALL of my LOVE & EMPOWERMENT today you POWERFUL soul you! 😊💛🙏



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