Without Self-Love...

Treat self-love as your oxygen breathing life into your fulfilment.

Without self love, you are a self in search for love that you do not feel worthy of receiving.

You may receive it, but ultimately you’ll reject it.

You cannot receive externally that which you are not generating internally.

If you do not love yourself and feel worthy of living to your highest potential, you will end up resigning from life and living a surface level, routine existence where you follow another in order to feed off any bread crumbs of significance and certainty they can provide you.

There is no fulfilment to be experienced in this low level existence.

You’ll know that you are selling yourself short, but you will find some way to dull the pain and fill the void with some momentary pleasurable indulgence.

Self-love is the oxygen of your fulfilment.

Nothing will ever be good enough until you feel good enough.

Notice how you feel about yourself.

Notice if you judge yourself.

Shift your mindset and elevate your emotions towards a grander vision. 

Focus your attention specifically on your self love.

Envision and elevate your state to that of deep and unconditional self-love.

It’s amazing what a little intention and self-love can do.

What is your greatest self-love ritual?

We’d LOVE to hear it!!

Make self-love your priority on the daily you phenomenal soul!!

Sending you so much LOVE & SELF-LOVE today you unquestionably valuable human being you!! 😊❤️🙏


Would you be interested in a holistic approach to your personal development that integrated both the Masculine & Feminine pathways towards actualising your potential?

If so, book in your free Breakthrough Chat with Vanessa here: https://calendly.com/limitlesspotential/co-creating-limitless-potential

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