"Discover Your Genius, Unleash Your Greatness!"

How to Transform from Limited to LIMITLESS!

Located in Beautiful Melbourne, AUS









Sign Up For This Transformational 1-Day Live Workshop Now!

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General Seating

Transformational Workbook






General Seating

Transformational Workbook

1 Month Free Access to The Limitless Potential Masterclass Library (Valued at $97)





Front Row VIP Seating

Transformational Workbook

1 Month Free Access to The Limitless Potential Masterclass Library (Valued at $97)

Recording of Event (Valued at $297)

1 Hour Mastermind Lunch with Vanessa on Day of Event

Personality Profiling Session to Discover Your Unique Genius! (Valued at $497)




"I truly love and appreciate Vanessa and grateful that I can call her my coach. This program helped me discover what my highest values are and gave me a structure, a step-by-step process and lots of tools to take action towards my goals.  Her weekly coaching helped me create a plan to move towards living more in alignment with my values. I found the assignments and tools to be of a great value as they helped me with limiting beliefs, releasing negative emotions and finding creative solutions to the problems.  I absolutely love the community she is building!!! It is so awesome to have the love and support from a group of like-minded people who are on the same journey as I am. They inspire me each and everyday. I cannot wait for our 1:1 coaching to start and becoming the person who I want to be. Thank you Vanessa for sharing your wisdom with us and spreading so much love in this world!!!"

Health Coach

"For anyone seeking clarity of purpose, positive support and would like real interaction to improve every aspect of life please tap into the wisdom of Vanessa Jane Patrick. She is a humble, beautiful soul sharing light with others and spurring on fellow humans to reach their potential with love, acceptance and truth."


"As a student of Vanessa’s Empowerment Academy, I am proud to have graduated with clarity. I am grateful to know that our world has her as a shining light and I am thankful to be Vanessa’s friend. It is with great honour to highly recommend coach Vanessa Jane Patrick as your inspiration to living the energetic, enthusiastic and empowered life that you deserve."


"I am so glad I took Vanessa’s Empowerment Course because it does just that... empowers you to take back control of your life and start taking meaningful steps in the direction of your goals. Before this course I was feeling frustrated, stuck, and confused about many areas in my life. But in the process of the 8-weeks, Vanessa helped me to see how I could overcome feelings of overwhelm, let go of self-defeating beliefs, and become more proactive in engaging situations that were bringing me the most pain. I no longer feel like I have to stay stuck. The tools that she shared with us make me feel like I can overcome whatever challenge I set my mind to. And the connections I’ve made within the group have developed into a network of friendships that I’m sure will last a lifetime."


"I am very grateful that I have Vanessa in my life. Just a little less than a year ago when I was feeling really stuck, hurt and angry. I knew I really needed a help from the coach/trainer. I have worked with Vanessa in one-on-one Transformational Coaching and just recently graduated from “The Limitless Potential 8 Week Group Coaching Empowerment Program". I’m super happy that I have joined this community. I have learned and grown so much for the past year. I have discovered my highest values. I am mentally and emotionally stronger now than I was in the past. I’m very thankful and grateful for Vanessa. Her guidance and tools helped me and empowered me to find myself when I felt I was lost. I wouldn't be where I am right now without her help."


"My trust in Vanessa and her teachings is unshakable. And her program is the best so far in the market. I feel so excited I trusted her and her amazing delivery. She’s so incredible in holding space for students to experience her wisdom and volumes of knowledge. She’s incredibly attentive to the needs and challenges of students. And her support and encouragement is second to none. She’s always available on calls and social media anytime to help and support the students. And she’s not shy to answer any questions. And her coaching is so deep and is supported by her real life experiences. I highly recommend this program unequivocally to anyone. For it has changed and transformed my life in a deeper way that I couldn’t have imagined 2 Months ago! Now I feel I’m living inspired and empowered life. With my highest values in alignment with my greatness and limitless potential. Thank you so much to you Vanessa! So much gratitude and appreciation for your unwavering support and encouragement on this journey."


"Trust me if you take on board 10% of what Vanessa teaches like I did it'll change your life for the better. Amazing, genuine, talented personality."


"Vanessa helped me to understand so many things about myself and life in general and that raised my happiness level to unexpected highs. We had so much fun and effective sessions that I can’t even put that in worlds. It was such a pleasure to work together. Thank you Vanessa for amazing experience and clarity you brought to my life. I recommend for anyone out there who wants to know more about themselves or the path they are on to follow Vanessa and maybe she will change your life too!!! Keep being AWESOME!!!"

Poker Player

"It's been hard for me to put into words the kind of impact Vanessa's combination of intentions, words, and sheer effort will have when you're mindful of what she shares. One word comes to mind is "Heart." She really has heart. I mean that in the way the term is seldom applicable in the 21st century. She communicates with elegance, respect, and grace. She wears her convictions like a shining badge, which I believe she has every right to be proud of. Her mind and thought process are sound and resolute in a wide range of areas that most people don't even take the time to become conscious of. She values real strength: vulnerability, honesty, & equality. Most importantly, I can honestly say that she embodies the definition, purpose, and demeanour of that which I believe is the most important & most valuable aspect of life: Love. I'm forever grateful she decides, every day, to Live, Love, Give!"


"Vanessa is a bright light of inspiration and encouragement on a daily basis she has the wisdom knowledge and just knows how to encourage people to take action and live their most authentic life to the fullest without holding back I have so much gratitude for her."


"I really love Vanessa perspective, all her message are wise and empowering, besides She's an angel, she helped me to have a new perspective, new vision and remind me who I really am."


Learn the SECRETS to Access Your Limitless Potential in Your Life & Relationships at this Transformational Live Workshop!

Step 1: Access Your Authentic Empowerment

Uncover who you really are, what you really want, and have the courage to go after it with!

Step 2: Discover Your Unique Genius

Uncover your unique gifts and make a meaningful difference with your life! 

Step 3: Master Your Intimate Relationship

Breakthrough your relationship challenges once and for all and create your ideal intimate relationship!

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